After the huge success of recent signing Supatunes , Mama Dance Music for Africa has picked up Atomica, another leading US production music label.

“When we heard the quality and variety of music on Atomicas catalogue, we were determined to license the library for the African territory. It is the perfect complement to the African flavours on the Mama Dance library and to the edgy nature of Supatunes material.” says Mama Dance CEO Craig McGahey “After much negotiation we are proud to announce that South African producers, directors, editors and final mix engineers can now access over 7000 Atomica tracks directly from”

As the name implies, Atomica is a powerful and simple music library for commercial, entertainment, broadcast and corporate production.

It has more than 196 albums of quintessential underscores and dramatic themes that offer variety and depth. It is incorporated in the fast and efficient Mama Dance Music for Africa website that provides simple access to music with straightforward licensing directly or through NORM.

In line with the Mama Dance philosophy, Atomica delivers a refreshing alternative to the mammoth libraries and fly-by-night media aggregators. Their passion is powerful music. Their distinction is simplicity. Their mission is to keep you competitive.

To hear a powerful and simple solution to your audio needs, check out and listen to any of the original themes from Mama Dance, Supatunes and Atomica.

Anyone can listen and search but if you wish to download; it’s simple with a quick registration process.